Hanna Barbera! Was this movie terrible or what? It took me this long to extrapolate on this turd because I didn't want to destroy one of my favorite horror icons by even seeing this thing. However, morbid curiosity would not take a rest and I rented it. In hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have done that, seeing as MichaelBay will get paid for destroying my childhood. Son of a bitch, what's with this guy and his Platinum Dunes crusade to destroy all that was great with classic 70's and 80's horror?! The Friday the 13th reboot was at least interesting because they gave Jason a touch of humanity, not that he needed it, but the new Freddy is not one thing like the old. Haven't we gone through this already with The New Nightmare? They tried to replace Robert Englund then and NO ONE liked that movie. I really like Jackie Earl Haley; I thought he was awesome as Rorschach in Watchmen, probably the best casting job for that movie over all. However, Jackie Earl Haley sucked the life out of Freddy Krueger. The jokes/one liners were not funny or scary in fact they were laughable for all the wrong reasons. The over the top death scenes and premise of the original movies, no matter how outlandish, complimented the fact that all of the killing and terrorizing happened in dreams; this makes any of the stupid bullshit, like the little meatball head pizza make sense. See, that's awesome enough to put you off meatball pizza for at least a month! Remember the girl who pumped iron to cheesy 80's rock music and hated bugs? What's her ultimate fate? She gets her arms crushed by her weights and turns into a bug and then gets squashed.It all looks very painful and horrific...see below.
If anything, this is a really interesting and imaginative take on delusional, self-loathing teenage psychosis. She obviously works out to feel powerful (she's the tough bitch, remember) and hates anything she deems as unpure or dirty (cockroaches, cigarettes etc), thus what could be worse then being overpowered and turned into something she sees as completely dirty and unpure. It's quite brilliant when you think about it, because it's so weird, enetertaining and above all...simple.
Where was the imagination in this new piece of garbage? All the best kills were the ones from the first movie and by contrast, they didn't even make sense in this one. What was the point of Tina being in the body bag here? There wasn't one except they had to fill their script with things that would be reminiscent of the original so they could use the name and character to make money.
I mean, no matter how cheesy that is, it was relevent to the time and still makes you chuckle. Unlike this shitty remake. When can we start healing from this atrocity?
Voltaire has been, possibly incorrectly, quoted as saying, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.” This speaks to the very crux of the 1st Amendment. As a matter of fact one of the only addendums to the 1st Amendment is in the case of when speech is used to incite violence. That’s the difference between protesting and starting a riot; one is the fundamental backbone of American culture and the other is a backlash. Terry Jones, pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fl has decided that instead of turning the other cheek, as suggested in his holy book, or perhaps extending his hand in friendship to the Muslims in G-ville in order to help people understand and heal, it would be in his best interest to burn the Qur’an. Now, I may not be a religious person, but something certainly doesn‘t sit right with me about burning books, especially holy books. The last group to pull those shenanigans on such news worthy scale was the Nazi’s and we all know how that story ended up in the annuals of history. I don’t get where people get off pointing fingers and throwing stones where religion is concerned. I get that everyone believes that they’re right, but does that mean that you’re so nearsighted you can’t see when you’re being manipulated to become the worst of your kind? All major religions share the golden rule, there is no dispute about that, however to misconstrue teachings that are all based on the same premise to the point that everyone in that ideology is an extremist is so transparently wrong you do yourself a disservice by getting involved. Guess what? You have become what you hate.
You have transcended the teachings of your religion and corralled all people of a certain faith together, a faith that teaches that maybe Jesus wasn’t the savior but he was an extremely good and powerful profit of God, into Jihadist extremists. In America we have freedom of religion, it’s one of the perks, so your argument, though you have the right to make it, is invalid. Put a mosque on ground zero and let the healing begin, that's what I say. Don’t be so sure that your skewed opinion, Terry Jones, is the gospel, you may find yourself with no answers one day when you have to explain yourself. Not to mention, you are ruining it for the rest of us by picking a fight with people where ideology is the issue. There are no losers when everyone lays their life down for God, except for the rest of us that get caught in the crossfire. Hey, Hollywood, maybe it’s time for you to get involved! Something tells me that Terry Jones and all the other of his ilk might be interested in a new reality show that could take place on an island in the Pacific, someplace really nice. We’ll get a bunch of staunch “bible thumpers” from each religion that are willing to sacrifice us for themselves and their ego, we’ll give them sharp sticks and set them loose on the island, Lord of the Flies style. Whoever, has the most powerful god (a.k.a whoever’s right) will win! We’ll call it: Super God Fight! While all this shit is playing out on T.V. across the World, the rest of us will get on with living; which can be really hard enough to deal with without all this other crap.
Friday, August 20, 2010
I admit I’m a music snob. I am, however, a little more critical of female musicians then I am of male musicians. Why? The reason for this is that male musicians generally all suck and if you throw a stone in any direction in any city you’ll hit a shitty one. However, I feel that women in general are much more discerning about most things and so I expect great things. This being a topic of musicians in a generally chauvinistic industry, there are obviously those chicks that try and build a career on tits, make-up and the aping of already established acts. For instance, when No Doubt hit it big, any blond with an ok voice and abs thought they could be Gwen Stefani, which isn’t the case. In any case, the crux of this one sided convo is that there are very talented individuals who don’t play those games and unfortunately fall through the cracks. One of those groups is the band Bleach03 or just Bleach as they are apparently known everywhere else in the world. Bleach, were a Japanese girl band that embodied one part Minutemen, to 2 parts Amphetamine Reptile-esque hardcore noise punk. Whatever the hell that sounds like right? Well, it sounded great and it didn’t matter, so they’ve broken up. They did a few tours of the states, played SXSW and Amoeba and after a few years, gave up the ghost. Total bummer, they had the chops to be cute enough to lull you into a state of total submission on one song and then when you least expected it, they would attack in the first note of the next song; totally ripping to shreds any semblance of sweetness they may have perpetrated. These bitches were amazing, and I bet could give any “Boy” band a run for their money live. Alas, we may never know, because they are off to do other things in Okinawa, Japan. Shit.
New Grinderman. This should speak for itself, but if you are a worthless person with no taste, here's your introduction. This is Nick Cave (of Nick Cave fame) and other equally rad dudes amazingly effective way of stepping up game. You've been warned faux Rock bands. These guys are old as shit and still much more awesome then you.
Hey kids, sorry I've neglected you. Daddy's been busy in the real world, doing real things. In the meantime, Prop 8 has been overturned in Schwarzenegger’s Kully-For-Nea. For those of you who aren't familiar, Prop 8 put into legal terms the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. Apparently, big proponents of this measure are the Roman Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus and the Mormons, big surprise. Here's the thing, if there is one place a person should be careful of serving 2 masters, its church. Don't you think? How can one Sunday be all about loving your neighbor, doing good deeds, love the sinner, hate the sin, turn the other cheek, etc; in the same breath as marriage between two consenting adults is only to be for a man and a woman? How did this craziness make it into legislature? I get...I guess, how religious people get all up in arms about gay marriage, but they need to stay the hell out of government. Separation of Church and State isn't optional. Let your personal beliefs be your moral barometer, sure, but to actually impact the lives of others with your beliefs when the topic of conversation doesn't really concern you, is just plain, flat out wrong. I'm a man. I will never have a baby inside of my body. Therefore, it's my personal belief that no matter what I think of abortion, right or wrong, it's not my place to say. I have no business weighing in on either side. Do I have a say in what Tampons my wife uses? Should I? That has nothing to do with me and furthermore I don't want to be involved. That's how pro Prop 8'ers should see this issue. Don't recognize the marriage in your church or religion, that's totally cool with me; but DO NOT make it impossible for people who love each other to get the benefits reserved for heterosexual couples. That's not right. When legislative bodies get together to discuss legislating, the first question should be "Does this infringe on anyone's civil rights?" If so, it should be off the table. Civil Rights are one thing all people are entitled to. To violate them because of personal beliefs is not only wrong, but shameful. It's funny the Catholics would have an opinion on the subject; you would think they'd be more involved with curbing their sects appetite for little boys before casting stones. Why did the Mormons feel the need to ship trucks full of money to California from Salt Lake City? Hey Jesus Astronauts, mind your own damn business! You can marry an unlimited amount of women to one man and your going to cast disparaging comments on a committed couple who want just a fraction of what you allow, (and the Govt, doesn't recognize) shame on you.
Why wont you people let Steve Buscemi and Ted Nugent be happy? What did they ever do to you?
Alright, so I was pondering stupidity and its place in the survival of the species, when it dawned on me; Why is Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). being produced by Michael Bay? There are no car chases (hopefully), there shouldn’t be a ton of explosions, the sex, though gratuitous in these movies, is instantly replaced by the lesson that pre-marital fornication will get you fingered by the razor handed one; none of this adds up.
One might say, “Well, just because he’s producing it, doesn’t mean he’s directing It.” and though you are correct, why do you think directors, produce? In order to enlighten/in this case poison other generations of directors. It’s ok when, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, Guillermo Del Toro or Peter Jackson produces things because they have a style but they don’t let people in on their secrets. Even if they did, no one can get inside of their heads to rip them off; there is no formula. Michael Bay on the other hand, is all formula. Which is why Transformers does so well, it was a tailor made franchise for Bay. He gets to play with big toys and blow shit up; that’s all MB does, he’s known for blowing shit up. So, why does he need: Texas Chainsaw (Abercrombie & Fitch, commercial) Massacre, Friday (survivalist camp) the 13th and now my favorite child hood nightmare maker A Nightmare on Elm Street? Plus, how come we get 2 awesome Halloweens from Rob Zombie and now we have to suffer Michael Bay’s ego? Dudes…come on! Both directors (of all 3 movies) are music video directors. Shenanigans!
I mean, I’m going to see it and all…let me once again throw my support to the Human Centipede, a movie I haven’t seen, for gross out future of horror status. I can’t wait to see this vomit inducing gem. If you can’t scare their pants off, get ‘em a puke bucket, that’s what I say.
And, in celebration of things that are awesome, Nike made these shoes:
Michael Bay, made the new movie with the guy who was in Bad News Bears then did a decent job playing Rorschach. I mean, he was good and all, but Freddy Krueger is an icon, man. Robert Englund, is a classically trained actor for gods sake!
On a different note, been feeling nostalgic for shittier times. Why? Dunno, maybe because I didn't know any better. In any case, my playlist for the day is: OP IVY, Stiff Little Fingers and:
Viva, Bouncing Souls...are those guys even still around?
Oh yeah, remember that? No? Well, here are some things Ol' Rushie poo has had to say in the past about drug abusers:
These tough sentencing laws were instituted for a reason. The American people, including liberals, demanded them. Don't you remember the crack cocaine epidemic? Crack babies and out-of-control murder rates? Liberal judges giving the bad guys slaps on the wrist? Finally we got tough, and the crime rate has been falling ever since, so what's wrong?
--RushLimbaugh.com (8/18/03)
In the audio link below, I go into detail about these non-thinking talking points that "you can't tell people what to do with their bodies" and "you can't legislate morality." First of all, we tell people what they can do to their bodies all the time--no cocaine, no prostitution, no throwing yourself off a building. Second, laws are nothing but defining morality!
--RushLimbaugh.com (6/27/03)
All right. Joe Fernandez came to New York from Miami, ladies and gentlemen, to be schools chancellor.... Now he is embattled--he's got a book that just came out, an autobiography that's soon to come out, I think, in which he admits that he was a mainliner as a teen-ager. This guy [pretends to stick needle in arm]--pfsst--shot up heroin. And people are praising him. He overcame the scourge. He triumphed over that profound obstacle in his life and has gone on to become this great schools chancellor.... [Plays a clip of Fernandez saying that the message of his teenage drug use is "to not give up on our kids."]
Reach out and try to help them, not give up on the kids, give them condoms and teach them about a bunch of stuff that is worthless in terms of preparing them for their future as adults in the greatest country on Earth, teaching them all this social gobbledygook. "Let's not forget about the kids."...
Whoa. The guy wants to be education secretary, folks. Watch out. Now why does he want to go to Washington? Probably because he's studied the case of Marion Barry. Here's a guy who got involved in drugs. You want to see my Marion Barry impersonation? Do you want to see that? All right. I'll do the Marion Barry impersonation.
You put some stuff out here on the table and you go [pretends to snort cocaine]. "You tell Jesse to stay out of my town. This is my town, and Jesse--you tell him to stay out. [More snorting.] And I said no, no, no, no, I don't smoke it no more. Tired of ending up on the floor." [More snorting.]
So what is he? He gets involved in drugs and ends up, ladies and gentlemen, as a newly elected official in Washington, D.C.... So I'm sure Joe Fernandez is looking down there saying, "Hey, there's a future for, you know, drug users in Washington, D.C."
--Rush Limbaugh TV show (12/8/92)
When you strip it all away, Jerry Garcia destroyed his life on drugs. And yet he's being honored, like some godlike figure. Our priorities are out of whack, folks.
--Rush Limbaugh radio show (quoted in the L.A. Times, 8/20/95)
And, on April 28th 2006 Rush turned himself in to the authorities on a charge of committing fraud to obtain prescription drugs. Look, A person's problems are their own, unless they're calling everyone else in the room out for the same thing. That's a tightrope walk that no one can ever win. Yet, there is no new found Hubris in Rush, he still shoots steam into people's ears every day and they lap it up. Why? Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but when people are LYING to you, how can you trust them, their judgment and ability to make rational decisions. Make up your own mind, you really don't need Rush to do that for you. Unfortunately, when you make such a big deal about things, you do and your called on it, "I'm Sorry" is not sufficient.
P.s. Rush Limbaugh is NOT a satirist. He is an American radio host, conservative political commentator, and an influential opinion leader in the conservative movement in the United States...and a Retard.
Come on Glenn Beck...really? What the hell does that mean? Do you know what words mean?
How come John Stewart can completely evicerate the talking heads, but you never hear them come back with a good rebuttal?
Tucker Carlson and Paul Begalia got more then they bargained for in that clip and this clip in particular may be the reason The Daily Show has become the fact checker du jour for the extreme right wing. No one else is doing it, no one else is calling people on their shit and even Huffinton Post puts up links to, The Daily Show.
Then this:
Alright, look to use the socialism/communist/marxist argument is moot on all accounts, because we already socialize alot of things. Like John Stewart so eloquently pointed out to GB Libraries are socialized, roads, schools, police, firefighters, garbage men etc.
Proof that Tripp Palin Johnston, Sarah Palin's grandson, is a recipient of socialized health care. I guess the Death Panels don't apply to him, right?
Don't be stupid, willfully ignorant or naive. Politicians are here to sell us their ideas and themselves. They are showmen these days acting out for the amusement and money of the masses. They don't need to be the reason WE can't have civil discourse. Ideas should be the reason...my ideas, your ideas, our ideas. None of us has to agree, but to disagree with a person who has their own ideas about the world, is much more rewarding then debating someone else's, somewhat skewed idea of the world. That makes it all second hand information, and we all know what happens when we play telephone, the message gets lost in translation.
Don’t ask, don’t tell has outlived its relevance. It was necessary at some point in order to allow proud Gay Americans to serve their country. What have they gotten in return; Equal civil rights? Respect from their peers? No, none of that has happened. So, why would they push to be openly gay in the military, when they haven’t been afforded the basic civil rights that EVERYONE else has in civilian life i.e. the right to get married. It wasn’t that long ago that mixed race couples were considered taboo. It wasn’t even that long ago that black people were considered second class citizens. When are we as a Nation and a people going to learn that switching the noun doesn’t make discrimination ok? That’s really all this is, switching one whipping post for another.
300 is a movie that we can all get behind right? If you’re an action fan, it has that. If you’re a history buff, it’s mostly accurate. If you like comic books, it’s a near perfect representation of the graphic novel. If you’re into six packs and pecks…there you go. Forget the fact that this story is about one of the most badass armies to ever grace the planet. Guess what, the real Spartans encouraged homosexuality among the ranks of their warriors. Their reasoning was that sex would strengthen the bond between soldiers, friends and lovers. This would make them nearly unstoppable on the battlefield for the duration of their existence. They fell only after being defeated by the Athenian navy. Athenians realized they would NEVER beat the Spartan infantry and Sparta had a shitty navy.
So, I say all gay people should boycott the military. I understand the call to arms is a fierce one for those that would serve, and I’m certainly not stepping up to take your place. However, no one should be asked or should volunteer to lay down their lives in defense of a country or people who stay willfully ignorant to their cause. That’s bullshit.
This guy is full of shit:
If you haven't been paying attention, Haiti was rocked by a huge earthquake last week, leaving millions dead. I don't know too much about Haitians but I did grow up in Florida, so that means compared to the rest of the country I could write a book on the subject. Haitians, always seemed to be an interesting group of islanders: they make great food, have awesome bad attitudes and are always trying to haggle with you at yard sales. Whatever your selling for $5, they want to give you 10 cents for it, they have a proud tradition of eating shit; hence the attitude and contrary to popular belief, they do not eat dogs...delicious dogs. No, no, Haitians are pretty brutal, awesome, cantankerous island people. It took a million of them to die to equal the death of one Teddy Pendergrass, in the eyes of the media...not reality.
I know, crazy right? What's this world coming to?
What, can you guess, did, say, Rush Limbaugh have to say about this tragedy?:
"Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country"
Then he said we shouldn't donate more money to aid for Haiti, because we pay income taxes; which presumably are being used to build a time machine that will arm wrestle into submission: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis and all the other bullshit things that only happen to blackthose People.
Nevermind, what Pat "the Ghoulman" Robertson had to say about the country:
(Haiti has been)"cursed by one thing after another" since they "swore a pact to the devil."
Wow...my heart goes out to those in Haiti and the 7 people who read this, please send money to help. You can even text Haiti to 90999 to donate $10.
Can anyone guess what's funny about legislation banning gay marriage? Give up? Nothing. Nothing is funny about that. I used to think if I grew up in the '60's would I be on the right side of the civil rights argument? I mean I assume so, because I believe that all people are truly created equal...however, social mores are what form most of what people think and who knows how I would have turned out; now I know. Not allowing civil unions (for those zany right wing bible thumpers out there...) is an affront to the civil liberties of gay people. It straight up, no holds barred hateful. I resent being held hostage to the beliefs of people who follow ANY 2000 year old book. Who are you to come into my home, and tell me or mine, what we can or cannot do? I can see IF, I gave you that power, If I went to your church...but I don't. So you have no say over how I live my life. Let's get something straight, I'm not gay...but this issue is so stupid when you lay it out on the table and look at the facts. People don't walk around saying "NIGGER" anymore, you know why? Because it's not acceptable on any level...ok, maybe when Dr. Dre says it. Do they still think it? Probably, but, the majority has made a concerted effort to say "That shit, aint gonna fly." So, here we are, with a black man in the White House and now there's a new group of people to be persecuted...albeit in a different way. If the people who opposed gay marriage let dogs loose, or sprayed them with firehoses, it might look a little different. It might evoke some of those horrible scene from the 60's.
Let's hold this little mirror I have up, and let's take a good look. Let's take Jesus, what would Jesus say to the persecution of anybody...especially those perceived as sinners. Depends on which testament you prescribe to. Old Testament says they should be killed...also says we shouldn't eat pork and all people are derived from the same 2 people. New Testament says love the sinner, hate the sin. Where do you think Jesus would lie on this issue? He may not like the action, but he certainly wouldn't hold a sign up that says: " God hates fags!"
These kids are going to grow up, knowing what it feels like to dislike someone and not understand why. They'll think it's because Mommy and Daddy say Jesus hates fags, the reality is; Mommy and Daddy hate fags. Jesus has nothing to do with it.
I think on this one, God should stay in his Holy Tower...with that guy.
I guess there's one thing I can agree with anti-gay marriage people on...we'll all be better off, if we leave each other alone. Here's my parting question: Why are you so interested in what's going on in someone else's bedroom? Do you think your missing something?
Some people say it's an abomination, or it's gross to be gay...have any of these people looked at THEIR partners? Dude, don't throw any rocks...seriously, you'll be homeless.
I guess I'm a fag enabler...I kinda like the way that sounds.