Friday, January 15, 2010

A Million to 1

If you haven't been paying attention, Haiti was rocked by a huge earthquake last week, leaving millions dead. I don't know too much about Haitians but I did grow up in Florida, so that means compared to the rest of the country I could write a book on the subject. Haitians, always seemed to be an interesting group of islanders: they make great food, have awesome bad attitudes and are always trying to haggle with you at yard sales. Whatever your selling for $5, they want to give you 10 cents for it, they have a proud tradition of eating shit; hence the attitude and contrary to popular belief, they do not eat dogs...delicious dogs. No, no, Haitians are pretty brutal, awesome, cantankerous island people. It took a million of them to die to equal the death of one Teddy Pendergrass, in the eyes of the media...not reality.
I know, crazy right? What's this world coming to?
What, can you guess, did, say, Rush Limbaugh have to say about this tragedy?:

"Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country"


Then he said we shouldn't donate more money to aid for Haiti, because we pay income taxes; which presumably are being used to build a time machine that will arm wrestle into submission: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis and all the other bullshit things that only happen to black those People.

Nevermind, what Pat "the Ghoulman" Robertson had to say about the country: 

(Haiti has been) "cursed by one thing after another" since they "swore a pact to the devil." heart goes out to those in Haiti and the 7 people who read this, please send money to help. You can even text Haiti to 90999 to donate $10.

Shame on you people, you ARE the White Devils.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just the facts...

Can anyone guess what's funny about legislation banning gay marriage? Give up? Nothing. Nothing is funny about that. I used to think if I grew up in the '60's would I be on the right side of the civil rights argument? I mean I assume so, because I believe that all people are truly created equal...however, social mores are what form most of what people think and who knows how I would have turned out; now I know. Not allowing civil unions (for those zany right wing bible thumpers out there...) is an affront to the civil liberties of gay people. It straight up, no holds barred hateful. I resent being held hostage to the beliefs of people who follow ANY 2000 year old book. Who are you to come into my home, and tell me or mine, what we can or cannot do? I can see IF, I gave you that power, If I went to your church...but I don't. So you have no say over how I live my life. Let's get something straight, I'm not gay...but this issue is so stupid when you lay it out on the table and look at the facts. People don't walk around saying "NIGGER" anymore, you know why? Because it's not acceptable on any level...ok, maybe when Dr. Dre says it. Do they still think it? Probably, but, the majority has made a concerted effort to say "That shit, aint gonna fly." So, here we are, with a black man in the White House and now there's a new group of people to be persecuted...albeit in a different way. If the people who opposed gay marriage let dogs loose, or sprayed them with firehoses, it might look a little different. It might evoke some of those horrible scene from the 60's.

Let's hold this little mirror I have up, and let's take a good look. Let's take Jesus, what would Jesus say to the persecution of anybody...especially those perceived as sinners. Depends on which testament you prescribe to. Old Testament says they should be killed...also says we shouldn't eat pork and all people are derived from the same 2 people. New Testament says love the sinner, hate the sin. Where do you think Jesus would lie on this issue? He may not like the action, but he certainly wouldn't hold a sign up that says: " God hates fags!"
These kids are going to grow up, knowing what it feels like to dislike someone and not understand why. They'll think it's because Mommy and Daddy say Jesus hates fags, the reality is; Mommy and Daddy hate fags. Jesus has nothing to do with it.

I think on this one, God should stay in his Holy Tower...with that guy.
I guess there's one thing I can agree with anti-gay marriage people on...we'll all be better off, if we leave each other alone. Here's my parting question: Why are you so interested in what's going on in someone else's bedroom? Do you think your missing something?

Some people say it's an abomination, or it's gross to be gay...have any of these people looked at THEIR partners? Dude, don't throw any rocks...seriously, you'll be homeless.

I guess I'm a fag enabler...I kinda like the way that sounds.

These people need to get laid and shut up.