Friday, January 15, 2010

A Million to 1

If you haven't been paying attention, Haiti was rocked by a huge earthquake last week, leaving millions dead. I don't know too much about Haitians but I did grow up in Florida, so that means compared to the rest of the country I could write a book on the subject. Haitians, always seemed to be an interesting group of islanders: they make great food, have awesome bad attitudes and are always trying to haggle with you at yard sales. Whatever your selling for $5, they want to give you 10 cents for it, they have a proud tradition of eating shit; hence the attitude and contrary to popular belief, they do not eat dogs...delicious dogs. No, no, Haitians are pretty brutal, awesome, cantankerous island people. It took a million of them to die to equal the death of one Teddy Pendergrass, in the eyes of the media...not reality.
I know, crazy right? What's this world coming to?
What, can you guess, did, say, Rush Limbaugh have to say about this tragedy?:

"Obama will use Haiti to boost credibility with "light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country"


Then he said we shouldn't donate more money to aid for Haiti, because we pay income taxes; which presumably are being used to build a time machine that will arm wrestle into submission: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis and all the other bullshit things that only happen to black those People.

Nevermind, what Pat "the Ghoulman" Robertson had to say about the country: 

(Haiti has been) "cursed by one thing after another" since they "swore a pact to the devil." heart goes out to those in Haiti and the 7 people who read this, please send money to help. You can even text Haiti to 90999 to donate $10.

Shame on you people, you ARE the White Devils.


1 comment:

  1. there are a lot of Haitian people that work at publix with me. They're very nice people and to hear about everything and everyone they have lost just breaks me heart. Its so hard not to cry when im at work with them now cause i can see the pain in their eyes, like they want to cry but obviously cant at work. we're also taking donations to give to the red cross and some of the things people have said to me when i ask if they would like to make a donation makes me want to punch them in the face. but since i'm on the clock all i can do it stay silent. i'm happy to say i made my donation. it made me feel good :)
