Monday, August 9, 2010

Prop 8

Hey kids, sorry I've neglected you. Daddy's been busy in the real world, doing real things. In the meantime, Prop 8 has been overturned in Schwarzenegger’s Kully-For-Nea. For those of you who aren't familiar, Prop 8 put into legal terms the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. Apparently, big proponents of this measure are the Roman Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus and the Mormons, big surprise. Here's the thing, if there is one place a person should be careful of serving 2 masters, its church. Don't you think? How can one Sunday be all about loving your neighbor, doing good deeds, love the sinner, hate the sin, turn the other cheek, etc; in the same breath as marriage between two consenting adults is only to be for a man and a woman? How did this craziness make it into legislature? I get...I guess, how religious people get all up in arms about gay marriage, but they need to stay the hell out of government. Separation of Church and State isn't optional. Let your personal beliefs be your moral barometer, sure, but to actually impact the lives of others with your beliefs when the topic of conversation doesn't really concern you, is just plain, flat out wrong. I'm a man. I will never have a baby inside of my body. Therefore, it's my personal belief that no matter what I think of abortion, right or wrong, it's not my place to say. I have no business weighing in on either side. Do I have a say in what Tampons my wife uses? Should I? That has nothing to do with me and furthermore I don't want to be involved. That's how pro Prop 8'ers should see this issue. Don't recognize the marriage in your church or religion, that's totally cool with me; but DO NOT make it impossible for people who love each other to get the benefits reserved for heterosexual couples. That's not right. When legislative bodies get together to discuss legislating, the first question should be "Does this infringe on anyone's civil rights?" If so, it should be off the table. Civil Rights are one thing all people are entitled to. To violate them because of personal beliefs is not only wrong, but shameful. It's funny the Catholics would have an opinion on the subject; you would think they'd be more involved with curbing their sects appetite for little boys before casting stones. Why did the Mormons feel the need to ship trucks full of money to California from Salt Lake City? Hey Jesus Astronauts, mind your own damn business! You can marry an unlimited amount of women to one man and your going to cast disparaging comments on a committed couple who want just a fraction of what you allow, (and the Govt, doesn't recognize) shame on you.
Why wont you people let Steve Buscemi and Ted Nugent be happy? What did they ever do to you?

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