Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The MuthaFuckin Beatles!

Yea, the Beatles are back with a completely re-mastered catalog being released today and a Rock Band game. (sic) Why not? They are the most important musicians of the last 100 years. I know that's a bold statement but, this is my blog and that's what I think. Who else has made such a far reaching impact on every one and everything. Seriously, even if you don't particularly like the Beatles (wha?) if you like, say, any other genre of music you owe them a debt of gratitude. If it weren't for the Beatles Rock and Roll would have evolved into some amalgamation of Country and Lawrence Welk. Both can be taken in very, VERY, small doses. The Beatles invented true pop music and were still edgy dudes, you know the kinda guys who start trends...not follow them. See, where the Stones acted out the role of being ruffians from the wrong side of the track, the Beatles were from the wrong side of the Liverpool, apparently a rough place. Makes sense if you think about it, cause it still happens: the guys who become peacocks probably have less to say and those who know that music is an aural assault and not so much a fashion show write great lyrics. Not a bad thing, look at Bowie; he writes good pop that makes very little sense. I mean, they had style without being ruled by it. The Beatles were also the 1st group to start their own label in order to reap the benefits of their labour and put out records by people they loved; Apple records. Basically, were still following the template that they set nearly 50 years ago. They were amazing song writers and so much more. Thanks, Beatles...thank you very much.

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