Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vincent Cassel..I really, really, hate you.

Vincent Cassel is the Antagonist in Sheitan, another movie that illustrates the importance of staying as far away as you can from the backwoods of eastern Europe. We've got a couple punk kids in the Styyx Bar, in Paris (foreshadowing?) who are all about the gangsta rap, causing trouble, groping chicks and basically being relatively douchey. They meet a strange but beautiful young lady named Eve (foreshadowing) who has a house in the countryside where they can party, because it's Christmas Eve and no one wants to go home. Who doesn't want to go home on Christmas Eve...there ARE presents on the other end of your drunken bender. Even spoiled wiggers from Paris get a visit from the only man who can get into my house without a key and not get arrested. Anyways, Vincent Cassel is there and he's bat shit crazy; he immediately takes a liking to the seemingly biggest a-hole known as Bart. There are inbred children, scenes with uncomfortable nudity, talk of the devil and incest, plus more gangsta rap. This movie is over the top, the characters are like a bad dream come to life and yet realistic enough to keep one grounded in reality. There are a few arguments about the meaning of this movie...they're all pretty crazy if you ask me, and we'll assume you did since your here. It's got parts of T.C.M, a bit of Rosemary's Baby and a ton of weird foreshadowing and symbolism. Vincent Cassel plays Joseph as a caricature of backwoods incestuous wack job and why not? That shit is actually pretty scary and in some cases should be played over the top. He's good and he's married to Monica Belluci, who is otherworldly gorgeous in that way that only voluptuous Italian/Spanish women can be, like when they work out, pluck and get all the good know what I mean? Overall, a strange flick but I liked it more then Calvaire, which should be watched only by masochists. Just don't expect feeling anything but creeped out by the end. Which is better then feeling cheated as far as I'm concerned.

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