Thursday, September 17, 2009

The VMA's

As I'm sure you've heard Kanye West did something stupid at the Video Music Awards, cause he's a dumb ass and when you're a dumb ass and you drink, you become a double dumb ass. I pilfered that saying from Star Trek 4; now, who really cares...I can assure you I don't. Yes, it's sad that sweet innocent Taylor Swift got interrupted before she could thank the fans. I felt bad for her, I really did, until about 20 minutes later when she performed on a supposedly real subway car. Then i realized that the thing that made the V.M.A's worth watching WAS Kanye's freakout. Who F'ing cares about little kids in sweater vests and girl haircuts...w.t.f? Mtv should stop...just stop. Haven't you soiled your reputation enough? Music television my foot, what is going on over there? Green Day took the stage and Billie Joe said that Mtv should play more videos, and I agree as long as their not your videos Green day, sorry. The Who did rock operas, you do something else that's less good and gets twice the attention. Blow. This is an indoctrination of American youth, grow up and suck as hard as you can, and maybe, just maybe someone will care. Haircuts and clothes do not make good music, they sell music. For the record, I liked the Lady Gaga performance. It was a little PG-13ish in a sea of G rated assholes. It hearkened back to when people like Madonna would do something primarily because she could and it would be controversial. Stir the pot, the flavors are all the same anyway, why not mix it up. Mtv, you stopped playing music videos, so A. you don't get an awards show for something you don't do and B. you cancelled Wonder sirs are DEAD to me.

P.S. Patrick Swayze died...this is the best tribute ever.

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