Monday, August 3, 2009

New Rules

Bill Maher is a loud, brash, opinionated celebrity who leans to the left and screams to the right. Generally, I think he's pretty dead on, sometimes he's living in left field somewhere near wacky-ville. I get what he was getting at with his rant on the 9/11 terrorists, that doesn't mean it was A. appropriate or B. that anyone else got the point. Newspapers are written at a 5th grade level because most people aren't very smart here in the good ol' U.S.A. It's sad, but true, look it up. So, smart people always need to take it down a notch if they want to be understood. i.e. John McCain picked Sarah Palin as a running mate, which ruined his political clout and miraculously gave her a career. The point I guess I'm getting at is this, Bill Maher is the Bill O'Reilly of the left, which would explain why they're friends, seriously, not making that up. Thank god we have some sort of foil otherwise all that screaming O'Reilly does and hate mongering by the likes of Ann Coulter would be white noise people would chug down like Budweiser. The birthers thing is stupid, and Obama shouldn't have to deal with this. Does anybody really think that this Manchurian Candidate scenario is plausible? That some fact checker in Washington was on a coffee break when Obama declared his run for the presidency? When the most mud was being slung, during the campaign, isn't that when the leeches would have picked up on this, if it had any shred of relevance? Jeez, they've already alluded to him being the Anti-Christ in some circles, what the hell is that all about? The guys got enough going on to not have to deal with this bullshit. P.s. all the stuff he's trying to fix with the world, Iraq, Afghanistan, Global warming, the Economy etc. are issues that were either ignored for 8 years or exacerbated.
Here ya go...

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