Monday, August 10, 2009

Under Destruction

This from the regarding health care "riots" at town hall meetings...
The tactics of Republicans, conservative protest groups and healthcare lobbyist-linked organisations have been decried by many commentators. Though Republican leaders and other conservatives have claimed the protests are a genuine outburst of anti-healthcare reform feeling, there have been instances of activists being caught red-handed.
One woman who protested at a public meeting held by Wisconsin congressman Steve Kagen, a Democrat, had said she was "just a mom" but turned out to be a former senior Republican party official. "They've become political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems," said Washington Post columnist Steven Pearlstein.

wow...this sounds suspiciously like what happened in Florida in the 2000 Presidential campaign. During the "swinging chad" debacle, republicans planted protesters overflowing with a fervor to see their man selected. We as a country should be ashamed of ourselves. We should be ashamed that we allow people to act like this in public, we should be ashamed of Sarah Palin, we should be ashamed that people die for lack of health care and 48% of the population doesn't care...what? Yeah, that's right 62% of the American people ARE interested in "Public Option" health care.
But perhaps the most surprising thing about the whole debate is that the appetite for health reform remains extremely popular with most Americans, even as Obama's poll numbers sink and the fight with Republicans and the healthcare industry grows uglier and uglier. One recent poll showed that 62% of Americans favoured a public option and 61% supported higher taxes on the wealthy in order to pay for it.

This from the U.K. How come they can see through the bullshit and we can't? Maybe because this is a ridiculous debate to most other industrial countries. See, they have universal health care. UUGGHHH, I hate the fact that this is even the topic of conversation. It's such a stupid thing to argue over, like taxing people for air in a room, inside a house you own. Maybe Sarah Palin should get someone to explain the fundamentals to her before she makes stupid Facebook comments about the subject. Which she retracted today F.Y.I.
Sarah Palin is calling for civilised discussion about Barack Obama's proposal for healthcare reform after saying the president's plan "downright evil".

On Friday the former governor of Alaska stoked the flames of the healthcare debate by posting a note on her Facebook page. She wrote: "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down's syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of healthcare."

However today she urged opponents of Obama's healthcare reform plan to "stick to a discussion of the issues" at town hall meetings held by elected officials and to "not get sidetracked by tactics that can be accused of leading to intimidation or harassment".

"Such tactics diminish our nation's civil discourse which we need now more than ever because the fine print in this outrageous healthcare proposal must be understood clearly and not get lost in conscientious voters' passion to want to make elected officials hear what we are saying. Let's not give the proponents of nationalised healthcare any reason to criticise us," she wrote.

God, I dislike her with a passion that burns with the fire of 1000 suns.

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